If you’ve been wondering about what cooperative housing looks like, or specific resources to join an existing co-op or to convert your house/living situation into a cooperative, we’ve compiled a list of resources here:

Cooperative housing in Boston

  1. Boston Community Cooperatives (Dorchester)

  2. Unitarian Universalist Community Cooperatives (Roxbury)

  3. Beacon Hill Friends House (Beacon Hill)

Broader context of community and equitable housing in the Boston area

  1. City Life/Vida Urbana: tenant rights promotion and housing displacement prevention

  2. Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston: elimination of housing discrimination and promotion of open communities in the greater Boston area

  3. Boston Tenant Coalition: affordable housing promotion in Boston via a coalition of grassroots tenant neighborhood groups, community development corporations, homeless, and advocacy organizations

  4. Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance: promotion of increased public/private sector support for affordable and sustainable homeownership

  5. Massachusetts Association of Housing Cooperatives: increasing awareness of housing cooperatives